Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Countdown

Halloween is almost here. While Zombies and Vampires might be all the rage in the great, far Norte, rumors have it that the Mayor Raul Salinas costumes are flying off the racks.

So, don't be left out. Hurry up and buy yours now.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Restaurants Gone By

Over at Laredo's Most Imposing Blog, KeyRose laments the passing of another restaurant in Laredo, the once prominent, Glass Kitchen.

Glass Kitchen was once a staple in Laredo from the high school and college crowds. Even adults always longed for the unique burgers and homemade taste of fries. But, as KeyRose notes, that is in the past now.

I thought about the same thing when I drove past Cotulla's restaurant on McPherson a while back. I snapped a pic and didn't really think about it until now. Once upon a time, Cotullas was the place to be on a Sunday morning. Politicians, businessmen, celebrities, and even presidential hopefuls once paid a visit to the Laredo eatery.

But no longer.

The restaurant business is fickle in Laredo that's for sure. One day its the place to be and the next day they are closing shop.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bordertown TV show


 Unlike some of the other local,leftist, tree-hugging-liberal-blogging colleagues, delaredo supports our local law enforcement. Laredo has many problems. Negative publicity from a silly TV show, however, should not be on the top of the list. Laredo is many things. Some are positive and some not so much. Let's take responsibility for the negative.

 BTW, Officer Roly is my new man crush! Deal with it. Thumbs up to the good officers of our city that try to keep the city safe.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday Night Driving (Octosber Fest part 2)

Mother nature changed my Sunday night TV viewing. I was going to be watching the ALCS on Fox so that I could watch my beloved Texas Rangers beat the Detroit Tigers. However, some  stupid MLB/FOX suit decided it be best to postpone the game till Monday afternoon and all because of some thunderstorms in the D-FW area. Now they will make-up the game at 3'oclock in the frigging afternoon. That pisses me off! I have to fake another illness at work just to be able make it home on time to catch the first pitch. Damn you baseball addiction! I hate having imaginary diarrhea.

 One good thing about the baseball game postponement was that I was able to watch another gem for my Octsober fest. On this occasion, I re-watched the 1977 classic film, "The Car".  The premise of the film deals with a mysterious car, perhaps demon-driven, that begins to torment and kill people in a remote California town, and only the Sheriff, played by a kickass James Brolin, has enough horsepower to stop the demonic car's rampage. The movie is awesome for all the wrong reasons, but a movie about a killer car cannot be watched whilst sobber. I recommend three boilermakers before attempting to view this driving drivel.

  The movie chugs along at a good pace and the evil car looks creepy with its completely black exterior. The 70s style editing of the film makes it somewhat difficult to watch for us ADD millennium film watchers. So take my advice, drive down the Blockbuster and get yourself a copy of this fine film. Just make sure you have three boilermakers before viewing or the movie might drive you crazy.
Do bullits damage the devil's car?

James Brolin is one bad mutha

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More TKO signs

TKO is always a fun place to be at and their self-printed sings are always a hoot. Makes me want to shoot some pool.

Yukon Kart

Tortas on the Go
  For my next pinata party, I'm going to include a Yukon Cart so that my guests can savor some good tortas. Which reminds me, whatever happened to my Yukon vs. TortaMex face-off? I'll get to it soon enough, you'll see.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Octsober Film Month: "When a Stranger Calls vs Are you Alone in the House"

(Guest columnist, Furniture in Life, takes a day off her busy schedule to do a quick-write up of two of my mas favorite late 70's horror films, "When a Stranger Calls" and "Are you in the House Alone". Furniture in Life recommends Seagram's Wine Coolers to properly enjoy these two films in are their splendid wretchedness.)
Score me a copy of this VHS and win a prize
Due to my incredible writing skills, or the fact that I have no life and therefore have more time than any normal person should, DeLaredo recently asked me to do a movie review/comparison for their Octsober special. My initial gut reaction when asked to do this was an automatic ‘Hell no’, followed by 'why don't you do it!' Flashbacks of high school Venn diagrams and compare/contrast composition formats started flying through my head, and it wasn’t pretty. Then I thought, ‘I really have nothing better to do’. So I bring you my review/comparison of When a Stranger Calls and Are you Alone in the House? .

The When a Stranger Calls plot is, in a summary to end all summaries, a psycho kills two kids. Psycho is taken to a mental institute, he escapes, a detective guy is hired by father of murdered kiddos to find and kill the psycho. Psycho tried to find a friend…failed. Psycho has a mental break and goes back to stalk ex-murdered-kiddos babysitter. Detective guy saves now-grown-up babysitter, kills psycho. The end. 
Are you Alone in the House's plot summary: when the movie starts, a girl is raped. Movie then dives into flashback mode: girl is being stalked by someone. He starts leaving her notes at her locker; she starts to receive weird phone calls. She baby-sits for a teacher and ends up getting raped. She fights to get rapist prosecuted, and faces challenges from everyone. She ends up getting no justice but society is okay with the outcome. The end.
What both movies had in common were the ominous phone calls. Stranger’s calls were a bit more subdued and the monotone voice whispering ‘have you checked the children yet’ made me curl under my colchas a bit. But Alone’s creepy laugh had me covering my ears. There’s just something so unnerving about maniacal laughter. Reminds me of clowns and I’m not a fan. A difference in the phone calls though was that Stranger’s calls were coming from inside the house and Alone’s weren't. My personal opinion, I preferred Stranger’s phone calls. They built up a bigger knot in my stomach than Alone’s crazy laughing…though I’d never wish to hear any of the two in person, thankyouverymuch.

The 70s sucked; No called ID
Both movies had psychotic guys stalking young women.  The differences, though, out weigh the similarities. Stranger’s guy actually ends up murdering people. He’s the one that did time in a mental institute. Scariest part (to me) was when he was in a dumpster and he starts talking to himself. You can see when he takes a mental vacation and goes off the deep end. If only he’d found a friend and the detective wasn’t so mean to him, he might've been ok. Alone’s psycho doesn’t kill anyone, just goes and stalks/rapes girls. This psycho comes from a rich family with a high social standing. The guy is way better looking than the wimpy weirdo from Stranger, but as for his psychological well-being, Dennis Quaid is just as screwed up in the head.
In both movies, the women come out ‘victorious’. Well, they both end up living, and I think that can be considered a victory. Of course, the endings are completely different. Stranger’s psycho ends up being killed (sorry if I gave away the ending). He obviously was at the point of no return. He leaves a huge impact on the babysitter, probably sending her into years of therapy, if she wasn’t already going. Alone’s psycho doesn’t die. In fact, he got off pretty much scot-free. The guy rapes the girl, the girl is the one blacklisted because she wasn’t a virgin, and at the end, he’s charged with assault. That’s right, assault…no rape charge or conviction…nope. He’s shipped off to some boarding school and the girl is pretty much left to piece together whatever name she had left after it being dragged through the gravel. She was, after all, the one who pretty much asked for it. Right… Personally, the ending to Alone had me feeling a bit dirty. I didn’t like it. Due to the girl not being a virgin, automatically that made the rape outcry lose some creditability. It totally sucked…and the douche of a rapist was still going to class with her!! In fact, thinking about it now, I guess both girls weren’t as victorious as I had previously thought. The psychos got off pretty much unscathed…yea, even the now-dead killer from Stranger

These movies had me going around my apartment checking rooms, closets, and cupboards to make sure my daughter and I were the only ones there. I hafta thank DeLaredo for the fact that I will probably have to do that every night. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed watching both flicks. If I was forced to pick one, I’d go for When a Stranger Callsreal ride…..  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Northside Swimming

It's gonna be October and the mercury still breaks 100. Ah, Laredo, sweet Laredo, why do you do this to me?

Anyhow, it was so hot I decided to venture out of my usual Laredo barrio comfort zones and head north to use other peoples' swimming pools. The place I headed to was in North Laredo, Wwwaaaayyyy north, past Del Mar, to visit a few compadres in those new fancy condominium complexes off of McPherson Road. I won't reveal specifically which condos they are so as to protect the innocent. But, let me tell you, I like crashing other people's pools.

This is not uncommon for a barrio dweller like me. In fact, I've been doing it all my life. Except that a few years ago, there were not too many apartment complexes in Laredo that had swimming pools. Nowadays, there are plenty of choices.

And, sure enough, I found my sweet spot.

It is particularly appealing to hit the North Side pools during the middle of the day, when people are out and about doing real things like working or ferrying the kids to school. No one knows. Managers are non-existent and security measures are not too stringent.

Bottom line. I haven't gotten caught.

But, back to my excursion. I don't know that many people who have swimming pools in their homes. Sorry, that's just my lot in life. I do know people in rentals who have pools in their units, however. If. If you are ever asked about why you are there, all it takes is a name and an apartment number and voila, you are good to go.

That's just how I roll.

Support Local Businesses

I want to make sure that all faithful readers of this blog support local businesses. It is important to realize that the mom-and-pop establishments that are found in the Gateway City are critical to our economic autonomy and the inherent character first promoted by the founding fathers.

De Laredo practices what we preach, too, by the way. So we went to a local bar to make sure we supported local businesses. I forgot how long we were there and why we were there to begin with. But, it is important to note that we spent a whole lot of money. Well, at least I had none when I got back home. Still, support local businesses.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Drink Laredo

  When you get a change, drop by a great new social site, DrinkLaredo and take a look at some of their interesting features. The good people over there have been working hard to bring you interesting articles, great out-and-about pictures, cool local tidbits and something that they call "bartender of the month". This month, they are featuring bartender Luis Juarez. So drop by and tell them delaredo sent you.

shots on the house are always cool

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Octsober Film Fest (part 1)

     Some people enjoy Thanksgiving because of football and family. Others enjoy Christmas because of gifts and God. Personally, I dig October the most because of Halloween.
     Yes, the time of the year when we can scare each other silly with treats and costumes. The time of the year when autumn arrives and brings in that cold, brisk air that forces us to reach for our sweaters and jackets. Summer goes away, the World Series is played and the streets are filled with Jack-o-lanterns. What's more, Halloween brings us horror movies.
  These films that are meant to scare, shock, and makes us squirm with frightening delight. What could be better? I bring to you something I call Octsober. What exactly is Octsober you ask? Well, its that time of the year where I bring to you the best horror movies to enjoy during this mad month of monsters. This year, I wanted to get a head start and since there are many movies I wanted to feature, I decided to begin Octsober Film month earlier than anticipated.
     I call it Octsober because the films I will feature are best enjoyed while drinking a six pack of your favorite lager. Whether it be Schlitz or Pabst, the beer hops are essential in making you jump out of your seat with fright. No sense in watching these films while sober; that would take half the fun away from the way God meant for these movies to be watched. Octsober films are all about watching "awful horror films while buzzed". I will make recommendations on movies to watch during October as well as the beer that matches well with that film. It's kinda like a book and wine club, minus the books and the wine. Get it?
     It was the infamous Final Girl that gave me the idea for Octsober Film Month. If everything goes as planned, we hope to feature 3 to 5 films a week from now until Halloween. Every film shall be from the horror/suspense genre and must have been produced and released from 1966 to 1996. Every film is guaranteed to be best enjoyed while not sober, hence the Octsober moniker. Get it? If you don't get it, don't feel so bad for I hardly understand it myself, and I invented Octsober Film Month! 
     The first film we shall feature in the first ever Octsober film month is the 1979 film, "When a Stranger Calls". Watch the trailer for now and be on the lookout for the review and comments from this movie by the end of the weekend. I would do it now, but I just realized I don't have a six-pack of lager so, it will have to wait. Tan-tan-tan! Watch the trailer and come back Sunday night for more.


Friday, September 23, 2011

La Carreta Bakery

Last Sunday, I was out and about, roaming the streets of Laredo when I stumbled upon "La Carreta" Bakery, over by Sanbernardo. Not being one to pass up good pan dulce, I entered the doors to this palace of pan and was immediately delighted by the smell of pleasant pastries.

What happened to the TortaMex?
While I am on a low-carb diet, I was too weak to resist the pan dulce temptation and I succumbed to the my past sins of conchas and cuernitos.

So many sweet choices

Choralas para tu pan, I like it

Cuernitos ricos, conchitas suaves
The Hand does Carreta Bakery

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bordertown: Laredo

I can't wait for the series premiere of this "controversial" new show coming out next month. I plan to make an event out of it and watch the premier with friends and relatives (come over, bring some Schlitz). Some people are already crying foul over the way that Laredo is once again portrayed as a dusty drug-filled town. We shall see what the show brings. Hopefully none of my primos make cameo appearances.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Digging thru my hard drive

Digging thru my hard drive: 
My top 6 songs of the moment

6) Strange Advance: "We Run"
Having first heard this song only about 5 months ago, it has slowly seeped into my top 6 right now list. The lyrics arent anything to write home about, but the 'space opera' synthesizer sound is what I currently dig. This Canadian band, much like Canadian bacon, has found a permanent place in my heart.

 "Frozen smiles for men returned
They never even left this place
She kissed me softly on the cheek
And a shadow cut across her face"

At times the lyrics are like, "what the fudge brownies". But just keep in mind its a throwaway 80's pop song. Enjoy it, then move along.

5) Talk Talk: "Dum Dum Girl"

80s Synthpop could do no better than Talk Talk. They could kick sissy Duran Duran's ass any day of the week. "Dum Dum Girl" is just the song to get you started. I currently have it on my phone as the ringtone for whenever ****** calls me.  I could go into a long-winded story about that, but it get me off track and you would hate me forever. I can't have that on my conscience.
 Anywho, most people only know Talk Talk because of No Doubt's sucky little cover version of "It's my Life". But it be such a terrible shame to relegate this awesome band to only that one great song.

"Another hand up on her hair
time probably erased.
Distate and so he's left where guilt is out of place.
I'm no boy stealing pennies from the poor"

I love that last line even though I cant seem to fit it together with the rest of the song. "I'm no boy stealing pennies from the poor". I might not steal pennies, but I do steal ideas. Just ask *******.

Rocking the Smiths in my Zenith ghettoblaster, so wrong

4) Los Piojos: "Tan Solo"

Of all the great Argentinian bands, it would be Los Piojos that I would pay good money to see live. They have several songs I dig, but its "Tan Solo" with its twangy harmonica bits that gets me the most right now. It's a great song for that time of the week when you are feeling vulnerable, which for me is the second Tuesday of the month. That's when Los Piojos is blasted over my Alpine car stereo.

3) Cornelio Reyna: "Soy un Nadie"

Every now and then, I can drink a couple of cold ones. Sometimes, especially after a difficult week, its required. And when I do, I like to slap this song on the turntable and drink a frosty one to my dad. I've always had a special place for Cornelio Reyna, even though his songs are terribly sad and nostalgic. They make me want to cry and jump off Meadow Bridge. Then again, maybe that's exactly why I dig them so much. This song in particular, "Soy un Nadie" has Cornelio's signature drunk guy in a bar voice to it. Something about it just makes me play it endlessly, much to the chagrin of the people around me.

2) Johnny O: "Fantasy Girl"

Summer is about end and it will hopefully take with it my love for this particular freestyle 80s song. Damn song has been in my head for months, right after I re-discovered it tucked away in a dark corner of my hard drive. I blame my older sister for me liking this awful song. So cheesy, so corny, so synthy  in a Casio keyboard overdose kind of way. It really is embarrassing having this song on my favorite list of the moment. I should turn it off and run away from it...right after I stop dancing to it (go me, go me, go me).

1) The Smiths: "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now"

My good friend, Furniture in Life, re-introduced me to this song that just encapsulates my entire life in a 4 minute pop song. I swear that the Smiths wrote this song just for me. It's a perfect,perfect song in such a whiny-I hate my life and I hate the world tone. I'm not a cutter, but this song has me reaching for my Bic in all the wrong ways. Damn its such a good tune.

"In my life
Oh, why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die?

What she asked of me at the end of the day
Caligula would have blushed"

My new ghettoblaster that I will purchase soon

Oh Morrisey, you have me swooning, singing my life story. I like it when pop stars sing about me. Makes me realize they know I'm miserable now.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Gambit

Ah, the Gambit Bingo place off of Calton Road. Many years ago, I heard the place was some sort of roller skating rink where Laredo couples would congregate, holding hands while skating to the latest romantic songs as per Casey Kasem.

Nowadays, you play Bingo (B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his Name-o!) inside a light blue, weather-beaten warehouse. Oh, I've been there and I have lived to tell the tale of woe.

Yes, its crowded. Yes, it stinks, and somehow I think the old skates and shoes are still lurking the air ducts. And, it can feel a little hot.

But I was invited to tag along and since I had nothing better to do, I agreed. I had never really understood the culture of bingo, but I was immediately out of place as soon as I walked through the doors. I was a visitor, an intrusion into the lives and routines of dozens of people who saw their presence at the Gambit as more than just a way to pass time.

It was--I dare suggest--like a religious experience for most. I know I walked in thinking that bingo was just a game, someone calling out numbers while participants scrambled to fill in cards with their markers, anxious to call out Bingo before their peers.

But this was not where I was.

Instead, the people I saw and congregated with held Bingo sacred. Sacred, I say. The way a farmer looks at the Earth and holds it sacred. The way a Christian takes the Bible . . . and he holds it sacred. The way a lot of people hold their marriage sacred.

That's the world I found myself in one summer evening.

I . . . I couldn't understand.

Needless to say, I did not win. I left the close confines of the Gambit a bitter man, almost broken by the experience. When my partner in crime asked me if I was all right, I could only offer a half, crooked smile as I shook my head in disbelief.

So now I share my tale of sorrow with whoever listens.

If you know what's best for you, avoid the bingo halls of Laredo. Take it from someone who now knows.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

If there was ever a country like The Tortilla States of America, Laredo, due to its fervent love for the Mexican food source, would have to be it's capitol. I, like many of my fellow Laredoans, love tortillas.

I have them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have rarely met a tortilla I didn't like. The best, of course, are the homemade variety. I think everyone in the Gateway City has a relative--if not mom, a tia, for sure--who makes homemade tortillas. It's clearly a skill, a talent, that some of us cannot all have.

For us guys, the best freshly made tortillas outside of the homemade variety are the new frozen ones that are sold at H.E.B.

Oh, you know the type, the ones that they sell raw and you just plop them on the comal and voila, you have freshly made tortillas. Well, there are a couple of different brands who make these tortillas.

My favorite? Oh, check the pic above, Sandy's! When I saw this truck driving on Del Mar, I almost pulled it over!

Mmmmm, the mouth waters just thinking about Sandy's.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mira Nomas

Mira nomas . . . there is a "Sports Center" in Laredo. Who would've thought, right? No, not that type of Sportscenter, the one in Bristol, Connecticut, but a full-fledged Sports Center in Laredo.

I'm not sure about what you could find along old San Bernardo besides the street hookers and the palateros, but if you want sports-related stuff, forget the chain brands like Academy and Champs and go here instead.

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Video

Perhaps DeLaredo 2.0 is a bit slow to get on board, but a compadre just mentioned that a new and updated Mami Chula's video hit the airwaves weeks ago.

Same song. Different video.

I think the new video is a promotional endeavor . Either way, even though some Laredo bloggers might be a bit disgruntled about the presence of Laredo's southside and westside beer runs, DeLaredo 2.0 is not. This blog is dedicated to the empowerment of the individual. And, if people want to buy their Schlitz at such establishments, more power to them.

In fact, the esteemed mayor of Laredo, Raul Salinas, doesn't have qualms about taking photos with the man behind the microphone, Estylo Triple S. If you recall it was the video, the song, and the establishment itself which drew the ire of the bible-toting, religious quoting constituency last spring.

It . . . it . . . it was for the children, if memory serves correct.

Personally, I see Mami Chula's and Triple S being unfairly prosecuted for purported crimes against Laredo society. To some, it was like a modern-day witch-hunt, a toxic McCarthy-era recipe of paranoia and unfounded accusations against some smart entrepreneurs and a few innocent young ladies--who I am certain are using their tips to further their college educations.

The south side and west side beer run establishments did nothing as terrible as what the rabble made them out to be. Hell, I know the mayor is all about photo ops, but why take pictures of someone if you later criticize and label their artistic work as "indecent?" I know el alcalde likes to pander to the vociferous rabble, but come on, where's the First Amendment?

Just for that, I think I'll buy my next six pack at Mami Chula's.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dumped Tires

Its seems the Laredo blogs have now taken up the challenge of reporting and posting about dumped tires in our fair city. (click here and here, for example.) Of course there used to be a blog devoted to stray dogs and dumped tires, but it has not been updated recently.

Hell, even the mainstream media had dumped tires on its front page in El Empty (above).

So, with that said, here is a photo of a dumped tire seen out in central Laredo. It is only one tire, but I'm sure it has many other friends nearby.

Posting about dumped tires is a rite of passage for many Laredo bloggers. These objects simply cannot be avoided in the Gateway City. They are part of our landscape. So, stay tuned for further developments.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Art of Elrod Rodriguez

Pancha Villa, in all her glory. Nice revisionism there (I had to look it up, I confess).

Anyhow, just so DeLaredo Blogspot is not accused of being against the arts, we bring you some Mejicano art. Click here for a gander.

*Via Tex[t]-Mex Blog

Brisket and Beer

Local eatery,Brisket and Beer, has some good food. Unfortunately, their spelling and grammar is even worse than mine. Take a look at one of their signs outside their establishment. Receive a lollipop if you find the errors.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

El Pipiripau Song

"Yyyyyy yo soy el Pipiripau!" Those lyrics bring back a flood of memories of life once upon a time. Los Plebeyos' original song, which has been covered too many times to mention (there are even various versions on iTunes now), was a staple for many a young, adolescent male coming of age in Laredo many years ago.

Oh, it was not quite a John Hughes flick, but you get the idea.

The guys I went to high school with popped the mixed tape in (yup, that's how long ago) and the song came blaring on through the loudspeakers. Yes, the same loudspeakers purchased at the downtown store, Liverpool, and enclosed in "custom" made wooden boxes. The gist of the song (caritas kind of implies it) sort of underscored how we felt about our prowess with members of the opposite sex at the time. Well, at least some of us, if I can be completely honest.

When I was reminiscing about the song, I asked a lady friend of mine is she had heard it. She also grew up in the hood, Los Amores, to be exact. What she said heard the song every time there was a party. No exception. Weddings, quinces, carne asadas. You name it.

Today, the song is on my queue. I will listen to it and eventually move on to something else. But for now, yo soy el pipiripau.

Pan Dulce Caper

Esta caliente! It's so hot that even a trip to the corner panaderia is a chore, something that spends too much energy. But the sugar rush you get from the sweet bread is so well worth it.

I've tried a few panaderias in my day, making it a goal to sample each bakery's best offerings. Some work well in the morning, others do not.

I tend to be partial to the West Side staple, El Mejor Pan, out on Lafayette Street, but I am not too discriminating. It's all good, right.

What I can't take is the grocery store pan. It just does not sit well. Too hard. Too bland. Just no bueno. Of course people might have a different opinion on the issue. But, I'm sure I'm right!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


True story: Mi carcacha has too many miles on it. Wwwwaaaayyyy too many miles on it, if you know what I mean. I am already eyeing a new whip, scouring the used car lots for a suitable ride for a Laredo blogger (think a 1980's or early 1990's carcacha).

Lucky for me, Laredo has plenty of used car lots to help a brother out. For now its window (or is wrought iron?) shopping. But it will soon be inevitable when I'll be dropping the Benjamins for a state of the art "pre-owned" car.

You Tube video that sings of the beauty of carcachas

I'm just not sure if I'm gonna drop it low and go for the dubs.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Alcalde Planking

You know this planking thing is getting out of hand once the mayor starts getting in on it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Late Night Eateries

I went to a local eating establishment a short while back. It's one of my favorite places to go late at night after a hard day's work at a dive bar. I believe many other Laredoans feel the same way about the place too. It's no TKO but you catch my drift, right?

Anywho, I was there and snapped a pic because I was inspired. There was just so much going on I couldn't pinpoint it all in one shot. But I'm sure some of you can.

People of Wal Mart Laredo. . . stand up and shout.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Edecanes vs. Beer Run Gals

The U.S.-Mexico soccer game was like kissing your sister. It was a draw, 1-1. Boo.

As I drove around the West and South sides of Laredo, I began to wonder, which country is truly better. Well, I know that the ol' U.S. of A. is great in many respects, the money, the jobs, the lack of corruption. OK, not so much in Laredo. But you get the idea.

But Mexico is pretty cool too. Like, for example, check out this video of some edecanes in Nuevo Laredo, shaking their money makers in front of what appears to be La Mina. Ain't that cool?

About a year ago, I posed the same question (click on this link), thinking about all the possibilities of edecanes and the Mami Chula's beer run attendants. I still maintain that it is a solid concept to consider. That is, of course, unless you're a Communist. Or the mayor.

A local beer run in the South Side. No touchy touch.

But, if you would see some lovely ladies dancing to some loud music in Laredo, what would happen? Oh yeah, Mayor Salinas and the City Council would be all over that, crying to the heavens about morality and the children. Yeah, the children.


But in all seriousness, what is wrong with Laredo Beer Runs. The girls are very nice. They are earning more tips than you would think possible. No, really. Ever talk to a waiter or waitress from any restaurant that you love in Laredo? You know, Olive Garden, Johnny Carinos, Logan's, etc. If you talk to any of them you'll hear the common theme: Laredoans don't tip squat. Nothing in some cases. But these nice ladies working hard in the South and West Side of Laredo are turning the tables. It's . . . it's . . . about empowerment!

So, support feminism and go tip your beer run attendants!

Soccer Friendly

Orale! Mexico vs. U.S.A futbol tonight at 8:00 PM. ESPN 2. Watch it and cheer for one or the other.

Preferably with a cold beer in hand, be it a Schlitz if you live in the South Laredo, or a Heineken if you live in the North. Oh, wait, its a Heineken Lite.

Laredo Loses out to Encinal? Go Figure.

I've been reading los blogs compadres (check the scrollbar for specifics) and a few of them have mentioned how the adult entertainment is now going to el norte, Encinal and company. Hell, even El Empty had a story a few days ago on these "sinners" and how mom and pop entrepreneurs are building new adult businesses the "right way," so their moms could be proud.

But isn't that typical of our local leaders? Now our beer runs and strippers could leave our fair city? What is this world coming to? Next thing you'll tell me is when I call my Direct TV rep I'm actually talking to someone in India.

In reality, Laredo is a bizarro world of duplicity and hypocrisy. Our local leaders claim to want this city to move forward into the modern era, embracing all that the 21st century has to offer. And, in reality, they remain rooted in the bastion of conservative mumbo-jumbo cowing to the religious masses in public while doing who knows what behind closed doors.

So the gals at Mami Chulas wore lingerie. Big deal. Get over it. There is more skin shown at a Lingerie Football League game or in a rap video than in our southside drive-ins.

Oh, I forgot, its for the children.

Bah-humbug I say.

I have a feeling that Salinas and the rest of the City Council gets their freak on when the cameras aren't rolling. What? You don't believe? Ha! Read about the nation's political leaders--sex, corruption, scandal--so who says its can't happen here in our little burg?

I have a feeling that Mayor Salinas was once a customer for the gals in the Southside Drive Ins. Just a feeling. Just a feeling.

New Blog

Ay, ay, ay. Mi duele la cabeza. There is a new blog in town.

The blog is called lagueradelnorte and so far her posts are very entertaining, even though they are a little above my Laredo edumacation. But its still awesome writing. (It made me break out the thesaurus!)

Unlike the plethora of bloggers from the West Side, the newest addition to the blogging ranks of our fair city, is a norteña, which means she will focus on northern Laredo but include everything in between.

I read one of her recent posts, a nod to now defunct blogger, Bordertown Blues, which mentioned dumped tires in north Laredo and I have to admit I was surprised. No, not with her skill behind a keyboard, but with the fact that North Laredo has dumped tires!

All this time I thought north Laredoans ate caviar and drank wine. Go figure. It seems they also have a problem with dumped tires and trash.

Ah, Laredo gotta love it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

UTSA Football

  I had me a good idea recently. Since I won't be watching any Dallas Cowboys football, I had to find another way to fulfill my diminishing pigskin interest. I have no desire to give Uncle Jerry anymore of my money either from merchandising or TV revenue so I won't be tuning in to watch the 'boys. Nonetheless, I found another team for which to root.

Join me in support
UTSA Roadrunners' inaugural season is about to begin Sept.3 at the Alamodome against Northeastern Oklahoma State. I can totally see myself rooting for and rocking a Roadrunners hoodie. Just in case my Rangers don't make the playoffs, plan B will take effect. I'm even contemplating going to a game or two at San Anton. Anything will be better than Jerry and the Boys.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...