Monday, May 18, 2009

Round and Round

As a kid, all I ever had was a flobby pogo-stick. But times were tough and dad would just keep on saying, "ni modo". However, this particular west Laredo family has a cool looking mini carrousel. Sweet. Makes me wish I was 8 years old watching Mupped Babies.

Laredo goes green.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. Laredo in the green and fast lane.
Apparently, this guy thought he was in Europe.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Schlitz Party

Man, that sure does look like the party to have been at in 1978. Schlitz, good music, good friends; what else can a man ask for? Too bad I wasn't invited to this particular shin-dig.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sliding down

Taken at the carnival that sets up over by Burlington on Sanber. As a kid, this ride always seemed fun. Even now, dang, I'd still get on it.

West Side Art

Train tracks and Graffiti go hand in hand. Laredo's west side sure does have lots of culture and art.

The Raspa Man returns

This raspa/ice cream truck was found over by Mines Road. It seems to be a converted mini-school bus. Sweet. I love raspa trucks.

Bottoms Up

Sunday, May 10, 2009

CarrotHead (cast and crew)

Im currently working on a very low budget, amateur film, titled: CarrotHead. Im looking for some cast and crew. The short film will be shot soon so if you care to help us out in any way leave a comment or write to us at:

GBFilms@ymail .com

The short film will be a horror/comedy. Look for it soon.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Follow me in Twit-err

Hey, want to know when I post my newest, lame, bullshit posts? Then follow me on Twitter and you will even have a chance at some cool prizes! So follow me here!

Party On Laredo, Saludos Nightscene

Pictures taken from the Saludos dudes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Damn Google Ads

Sometimes the stupid Google ads can get it all messed up. The google ad on the right --->

can sometimes go haywire and start advertising about the craziest things. Case in point, the picture below.

Click on picture above to enlarge it and right below the playlist is the ad in question.

Google is advertising cheap "asesinatos" in Laredo ! WTF? I know Laredo has a bad reputation, but come the fugde on! It was just too funny. Assasination ads via-Google. That's why you should never trust those silly ads, just too damn annoying. So if you want a quick, cheap hit on that guy you cant stand in the office, go to google. They know where all the low prices for asesinatos in Nvo Laredo are at! Ouch.

"Pan" on the run

Blogging about bullshit topics can workup an appetite really fast. Good thing that Superior Bakery makes some damn good pan dulce! They are over in the Guadalupe neighborhood and they know their bread, soft and fresh, right out the oven. I enjoyed me this concha after a hard days blogging. Man can't live off blogging alone; we need some sweet bread to keep us going, too.

Damn, sure looks tasty don't it? Have a bite! BTW, im going on a Pano run, im running low on calories.

Pepsi, The Choice of west Laredo

I'm a Pepsi lover myself, so imagine my utter delight when I spotted a Pepsi machine outside the front yard of a local west side residence. They must have had me in mind when they placed this colossal structure of the gods smack in the middle of their yard for everyone to revere and pay homage. Another reason yet, to love the Laredo's west side. Choice of a new generation.

Water in the Sky

For the ten foot giants out there, get your drink on at this easily accesible drinking fountain.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Laredo Bridge Webcams

Ever want to go to Nvo. Laredo but you dont know how packed the bridge will be? Well, try logging into the city of Laredo website where you can monitor the traffic via webcam. There you can view the traffic on the local bridges and even on the Mexican side. Then you can see if its worth going over to el otro lado to visit abuela, buy those morning after pills, or stopping by Hamburguesas el Rio for some tasty eats. Mmm good. You can view the cams here.

Evelyn Motor Inn circa 1961

Drove by the Evelyn MotorInn last weekend and it seems they have re-opened for business. Sure would love to stop by and have some good eats there. In any case, I came across a pic on Flickr that is supposed to be the Evelyn back in 1961 when it was called Dodd's. I wanted to share this neat pic with everyone.

If you have old pics of Laredo you wish to share, send them over to us so we can post em!

Laredoans can't spell

Yeah, we can't spel to save our lives. "Spelling is for nerds," I had a friend tell me once. Apparently, the people that wrote this sign on the front of their store didn't have spelling as a number one priority. Downtown is just so fun! Brands galore, but don't expect such frivolous things like correct spelling. That's for the birds... Laredo loves fashion, but not so much spelling.
I didn't take this picture, for I found it on flickr and I thought it was just too fun. I can't seem to recall what street this store is at exactly, but I'm fairly sure its over by Riverdrive Mall (or whatever it's called now). I will buy the first round of beer to the first person that tells me the exact street address of this gem store.

BTW, props to the original photographer.

P.S. I always have typos and spelling errors in my blog posts. Just don't look to hard..o te vas a volver ciego.

Ya Llego el Calor!

Keep cool out there Laredo. The temps are reaching 100 degrees and summer is all but already bearing down upon us. The raspa and paleta guys are working overtime and the albercas should be opening any day now. So drink plenty of water and stay out of the hot damn sun. Keep cool Laredo!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tostadas La Siberia USA

Down on Zapata HWY (Hwy. 83) there is Tostadas La Siberia, where you can enjoy a delicious tostada de pollo and Mexican Coca Cola. The decor is a bit outdated but the tostadas themselves never go out of style. Good stuff and DeLaredo recommended.

Hot Times

Since this Swine Flu thing has everyone on 'panic mode', I'm stock piling up food, masks and bottled water. Well, ok, in reality im just using my leftover perishables from Y2k. My ama didn't raise no fool. At least this week I don't have to fly and have that 'fever machine' go over me at the airport. These are hot times.

(posted by Joy)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Will be out for a while

It might be slower than usual around here for some days. Moving out to a new place. Be back soon with more colorful Laredo material.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lazy Mex Lounge

I admit it, every now and then I do take a siesta. On Saturdays I wear an oversided straw hat and im known to knock down tequila straight out the bottle. I'm a burrito bean eating, Mass-church going, thick mustache having kinda Mexican. Pos nimodo, as my Ama used to say. That got me thinking as I was surging on Flickr, some stereotypes, pos, they are just plain-ol true.

See I ran across this picture on Flickr of an old bar (?) on Sanber Ave, called the Lazy Mex Lounge (im sure you've seen it). I'm not sure when it closed down or what it is now, but the name still upsets and irritates some. I however, am not part of that vocal minority. I snicker at it, for sure. Just wish it was still open today, so I could take a siesta and drink some mezcal (a poco no?).

Margarita Rocks

As most of you prolly already know, seems that there are some neat 80s metal bands making their way to Laredo in May. Supposedly, Warrant, Ratt, Skid Row among others will be in town and rocking out. Pretty dang cool. For sure, I will be there sporting my mullet. See you there!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is the Texas Rangers year

Ok, I dont do the whole 'hero-worship' thing. Not since 1989 and my obsession with Ranger's outfielder, Ruben Sierra. I might have also had a fling in the 90s with Michael Irvin but that quickly fizzed when I matured and grew up. Now, I don't usually follow pro sports and you will rarely see me mention them in my posts. However, I do believe this is the Rangers year. This is the year the team returns to the playoffs (and actually win a game). With great players like Ian Kinsler, Michael Young and Josh Hamilton, they are sure to have a great year. If not, you will see my offical jersey on Ebay somewhere, by early August, as I pump my fist in disgust at another terrible year. Go Rangers (and go Tecos!)

Laredo on Wikipedia

I was bored today around noon time and mildly curious as to see what information I could find about my hometown on wikipedia. Wikipedia, a user generated site, had much useful information to offer. One of the things that brought a smile to my face was that under the entertainment/nightlife section, "Boystown", was listed as a main attraction. I love the fact that most people only know of our fair city (and our sister city) because of the infamous red zone district and a certain farm animal. Laredo is much, much more than that. It's about time we began to tell the world of all our other treasures.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Domingos y carne asada

Sundays in Laredo means one thing, carne asada. The day starts off with 10 A.M. mass and followed by a breakfast of menudo over at either Danny's or Cotullas. Then at around 2 we head out to the lake or the one of many beautiful parks in our fair city and start up the grill for the fajitas. Invite some compadres and comadres, throw some BudLites in a 'yelera' and off we go. Family, friends, carne a sada, bud lites. Life doesn't get any better than Sunday afternoons.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update: Eddie Macon's Run

Seems that I was outbid on ebay for the used VHS copy of Eddie Macon's Run. Dang, someone actually paid 28 dollars for that. I dont have deep pockets. However, I did come across an old HBO trailer on utube for those of you that are interested. You can go here! If you, hopefully KeyRose can upload a couple of scenes from to the internets like he promised. Changuitos.

Smile Laredo!

Smile Laredo. Sometimes life is just too good. Saludos.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No longer doing Donuts

(This article first appeared over at the now defunct delaredo.Net in June of 2006. I was reminded of it by a recent post by BordertownBluesBlog) Read ahead.

No Longer Doing Donuts: by GAR

"Donuts are what holds the universe together and intact", my friend JPC would tell me each morning as he ate breakfast. He was an avid donut lover
and was the one that got me hooked on the sugary stuff. Every time I would see him he would be munching on a donut. One night however, I got a disturbing late-night
phone call.

"Did you see what happend" he called me upset one night from work.
"What are you talking about", I yelled back into the receiver of the phone, puzzled and surprised by his tone.
"Dunkin Donuts, its gone. It's being replaced by something called 'RiverCity' donuts".
That night of course was such a devastating blow to both of us.

Two Dunkin Donut locations existed in Laredo that I can recall. One was located on Guadalupe Ave. over by Guadalupe Flea Market south of the Heights neighborhood and the other was over on San Bernardo in front of what is now Kalaidascoopes. However, sometime in the late 1990's the
name of the two local Dunkin Donut shops were changed to "RiverCity Donuts". Not only did the name change but also the availability as well as the quality of the donut. Rivercity Donuts did not have the same selection of flavor donuts, they would run out very quickly, and worst of all the donut itself
was dry and the bread was not as soft and flaky as the the original Dunkin Donuts.
Rivercity tried their best, but it was just a cheap imitation. My friend and I lamented the loss of Dunkin Donuts. To put it simply, they had some really tasty and delicious donuts. In a city dominated by 'pan dulce', American style donuts would hold their ground quite well, going back to the days of the old Mister
Donuts. I do however love pan dulce as well. Local bakeries such as Perlitas, Quickie, Panos, El Mejor Pan and others all have their own long traditions and clientele. Still, my favorite pastry was donuts, and Dunkin Donuts had no peers.

Slowly, we adapted our aways and we put up with the new Rivercity Donuts. So they were not as tasty, nor as soft, and so they always ran out of chocalate frosted donuts during the middle of the day. We had no choice but to put up with it. So they were a bit hard and dry, and sometimes the same donuts would stay there for days, or so it felt like it when I ate them. Still, we had no choice but to adapt.
When Krispy Kreme came into town, it was all the buzz. By then I had grown to put up with Rivercity and I was hesitant to convert to the yuppy Krisy donuts. To say the truth they annoy me. Damn Korporate Kremes, I mean Kripy Kremes are overpriced and overrated. They seem to be another version, a donut
version of Starsucks, I mean Starbucks. But hey, thats just me. I tried out the Krispy Kremes and their high prices for a simple dozen donuts but they are just not my thing. KK is overfried and over-oiled donuts, so I turned to my saving grace, RiverCity if only because they still had an inkling of Dunkin Donut flavor left in them, so I was willing to overlook their defects.

But, a couple of days ago, I got another late night disturbing phone call from my friend JPC.
"Did you see what happend", he called me again one late night from his job. "RiverCity is gone. Its been replaced by some other
panaderia", he tells me in an angry voice.
It seems RiverCity Donuts has left Laredo. Both the Guadalupe Ave. and the SanBer location have closed down, a true crushing blow to both of us.
Now, with no more Dunkin Donuts, no Mister Donuts, not even a RiverCity donut shop, either we adapt to pan dulce or sell out to Krispy Kreme. Either that, or maybe I should listen to my significant other and stop eating so many hot damn donuts!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eddie Macon's Run

"You didn't know that," my friend yells at me in a flabbergasted shock. "I'm sorry! I didn't live here in the 80s" I respond annoyed like always. It turns out that there was a certain movie by the name of Eddie Macon's Run that was, according to my friend, partly filmed here in the early 1980s. The movie starred John Schneider (from Dukes of Hazzard) and Kirk Douglas, and from what I understand there are certain scenes that were filmed downtown and at the lake. I wanted to at least check the movie out, so I looked for a VHS copy on Ebay and lo and behold, there were several copies on VHS, but they were on sale for a whopping $20.00! Ouch! I don't think that movie is out on DVD yet, but I could be mistaken. Anyone our there alive when this movie was shot in town? Share the memories! Or at least pass me a copy of the movie!

"Hoy no hicimos cook en class"

Spanglish in Laredo is sometimes just a matter-of-fact, everyday thing. I overheard some h.s. students the other as they were walking from school and one of them said this little nugget. "Hoy no hicimos cook en class." It's golden. Laredo doesn't get any better than that.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Laredo Broncos and Tecos

I'm not much a sports follower anymore. Pro sports just doesn't do it for me much these days. I especially don't follow the Dallas Cowboys anymore for reasons to insignificant to list here. Baseball, however, is still something that I at least half-way enjoy. So when my dad invited me to go watch the Tecos vs. Broncos all-stars, I jumped at the chance. We had a good time, and the game was great, in especially the Bronco's right fielder. He has a cannon of an arm. What I did not expect to see there, though, was Laredo's dignitaries: everyone from Mayor Salinas to Judge Danny Valdez and Sheriff Cuellar (even Shariaffa was in the house). It was a good game and a decent turnout. Maybe the stadium won't be such a bad idea after all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Free Hugs in Laredo

Spread the love Laredo. I first ran across this video on youtube several months ago. A bunch of highschool kids go to mall del norte and give 'free hugs'. Its such a simple concept. In a town with such violence and bloodshed (especially across the border in Nuevo Laredo) lets give more hugs, less drugs. Come on people! Let's give peace a chance.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mexico's Drug War to Spill to US?

Everyone seems to be talking about it now. It's just a matter of when. Mexico's drug war seems to be creeping closer and closer to the US side. It seems inevitable that it will reach our doorsteps soon. El Paso seems to have it the worst (read article here). Many people don't even go and venture into Nuevo Laredo for they fear the danger. Let's continue to hope that things get much better soon. Viva la paz!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spanglish in Laredo

Dialogue overheard at the IHOP:

"When I see him, me pongo bien red."

Freaking golden! Just so sweet. Everywhere you go in this town, this is the way people speak. It's just the inevitable of living on the border and having a clash of two cultures. Over at the blog of Laredo Speaks, they seem to be doing a fun job of chronicling overheard conversations where the speakers intermingle and mix both languages in such a skillfill way. Its great! It is, depending on whom you ask, Laredo at is best or at its worst. I personally think its just plain genius.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Milk in Vienna

I first met the local band Milk in Vienna back in 2007 when their EP was about to be released. At the time, I was trying to get a a now defunct website (DeLaredo.Net) up and off the ground with a business partner. I recalled that I was really impressed by the music of MIV and their electrifying vibe. After an interview and a short music set at their practice place, we posted the videos on youtube for all to see. Unfortunetly, those videos and that interview was lost in the translation after ceased operations. I didn't much keep up with that scene, so I lost track of them. I do remember one of their songs quite fondly, "It ain't love". It says "swallow my love, drink it slowly". For some reason, that song stayed in my mind. Hear more from Milk In Vienna at their myspace page.

Looking 4 Writers

Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the fastest growing blog on the Rio Grande? We blog about everything, anything and nothing at all. Drop us a line and let us know about your writing skills, your wit or your appreciation of all things Laredo. We are looking for some daily or weekly contributors and columnists. Let us know if you are the right person for the gig. Write to us here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Restaurant Review Project

Sometimes, every now and then, I get struck by a golden idea from the heavens. This afternoon, that was the case. I am going to start a project/experiment by reviewing different local eateries and promising these establishments that I will put up my comments on my blog regarding their food and service. The only catch will be that I have to eat for free at these restaurants. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Where is the integrity and the unbiased attitude?" But that's not the point. I will be doing the places a favor by giving them free promotion and publicity on my ever expanding and growing blog. You see, yesterday I had a record high of unique hits! Thirty nine people logged on to my blog on just one day. Yepee for me. Thirty nine in one day is the most ever for my blog. I know its a very low number, but I'm ecstatic. So when I approach these restaurants I can take them my numbers so that they will jump on the bandwagon and give me the free food. Anyone who is anyone is seemed to be tuned in to my blog lately. I have to take advantage of this new found fame! The first place on my list of high profile local eateries...Tacos Ravi. Let's see how it goes and we shall see in the next few days if they go for my plan. I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bat Man Dies (RIP)

Some of you out there might have heard last year the strange story of a trade regarding a player from the Laredo Broncos. It turns out that the Broncos traded for a pitcher, John C. Odom, and in return they gave the other team involved in the trade, ten bats. This caused a hysteria and made John C. Odom somewhat of an instant mock-celebrity. Also, it gave the Laredo Broncos some national publicity and the butt of more than one bar joke. Well, sadly, "Batman", as Odom was referred to in the press, died of an apparent overdose. You can read the story here. It seems as if the trade seemed to have affected him in negative ways. When at first he embraced his notoriety, it soon caused humiliation. I sure hope that the Broncos' front office dont have blood on their hands. In any case, Goodbye Batman. It was great having you in town.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Freddy Benavides: Where are you Now?

Down in south Laredo, behind Cigarroa Middle, is Freddy Benavides Park, named after the professional baseball player from our beloved city. I recall him from the early to mid 1990s and, if memory serves me right, he played for either the Atlanta Braves or Colorado Rockies. For a couple of years he was the shiz-nit here in town and he would always appear at all sorts of local gigs and events as a celebrity. At least someone from Laredo has been able to reach the Show. If anyone has more information on Freddy, leave some comments. Oh Freddy, where are you now?

El Otro Lado

I took a random trip down to San Ignacio, Texas with my dad last year and on the way back we ventured off HWY 83 to take a gander at the Rio Grande. The body of water that separates los Dos Laredos is one stinky river. I snapped this picture as my dad was looking out past the river, seemingly gazing at his past, or at his lost homeland. Things are always fun here, en la frontera. Sometimes its necessary to stop what we are doing and just reflect on things, both past and present. I like taking random drives on random Sundays.

George Washington Festivities in Laredo

As you might have noticed, I purposefully neglected to comment on any of the WBCA activities. However, ignoring these local events might paint a picture that im not proud of my hometown. I do not wish for this to be the case at all. I'm completely Laredo proud, but when it comes to the February Washington events, they sometimes seem a bit bizarre as well as culturally and economically discriminatory. Totally strange events like the "Pocahonta Pegeant" and the Martha Washinton Society Ball are wholly outlandish and downright pitifull. Laredo is made the butt of jokes by journalists in respected papers for our miss rooted fascination with all things Jorge Washington. Even the National Geographic has slammed our Grand Parade as just plain odd. I don't do the Jalapeno Festival, the Carnival, the Taste of Laredo, the Comedy Jam for George or any of the other WBCA sponsored activities. I just don't get it. I love my hometown. I'm Laredo all the way. February, though, is just a strange month for us.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Laredo Sunset (redux)

I was looking for an old picture on my hard drive yesterday and I came across this gem that I took of my nephew way back in 2005. I recall that day, a Sunday afternoon, we were just driving around and taking pictures around town, including some down by Zacate Creek and in front of the spooky old Mercy Hospital. Toward the end of our shoot, the evening glow began to creep up on us, so I snapped this pic of my kid nephew with the Laredo horizon in the background. I recall that day fondly, for it was a good day. I even had this picture on my first ever local site ( where it was seen by a total of about seven people (hits were hard to come by). Those were the good days.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Home Remedy

It was your typical WTH (What the Heck!) moment. Don't you just love home remedies; at times they are the most effective in curing all sorts of ailments. Turns out that the boy in this picture was complaining of 'air' in his ear that was bothering him constantly. The home remedy is to construct a cone-like sphere that slightly inserts into the ear while the opposite end is lit on fire so that, somehow, it drives the 'air' out of the person's ear. I have seen this in action hundreds of times and each time it works. So, really, don't knock a home remedy, but still it seems dangerous and it seems like its just one burrito away from everyone catching on fire. Heck, I guess thats just me.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Don't Call it a Comeback

(I've been here for years!) Comebacks are always easier to do on paper, but the difficulty is in the execution. You see, I had me a party of one tonite. I drank me a Schlitz and came to the realization that I just found myself and my comeback is all but certain. You might not know what I'm talking about, but trust me, it will be good. I have been walking down a slippery slope of self-destruction lately, but I had a momentary vision of wowness that I havent had since March 13, 2002. Sometimes life shows you the puzzle and sometimes it shows you a cheat sheet. Well, I just saw the answers, and believe you me, I'm most-def making a comeback. I'll drink my last Schlitz to that.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mi Laredo I Used to Know

The Laredo I Used to Know
by JPC
Mi Laredo siempre me hace backstab
Con todas las lies que me dice everyday
And I finally can't stand this shit no more.
Es que ya son puras chingaderas.
This city ya no es mi hometown de antes.
What happend to aquel Laredo I used to know?
Now its all gunfights and gangsters
Peleandose por drugs, corners and dumpsters
And I finally can't that this shit no more.
Mi Laredo poco a poco me hace backstab
Promises me growth, prosperity y que de la chingada
Says now I'll have concerts, movies and events.
Pero nunca me dice nada del traffic, crime and congestion.
This city ya no es mi hometown de antes.
What happend to Beto and Kike singing the Tejano onda?
Now its all regue-tontos
Invading mis oidos con un noise rete-gacho.
And I finally can't take this shit no more.
Mi Laredo is not telling me the truth.
No es que me quiera ir; I still love it here.
I will will have to learn to put up with las chingaderas.
So when the traffic is driving up your ass,
and the loop becomes more congested than my nose,
and the crazy drug wars spill into my town,
then your going to ask yourself too.
What ever happened to mi Laredo I used to know?

Clamor en el Barrio

When I was in highschool, a girlfriend I had at the time, gave me a copy of Freddy Garcia's book, "Clamor in the Barrio". In its essence, the book is a conversion story of a delinquent gangbanger-turned preacher. I recall how at the time the book captured my attention, due mainly to the detailed drug use. However, about half-way through, I lost interest and set the book down. I forget all about the book until I came across a medium size billboard sign that stands in front of a residence in Laredo's west side, close to LCC main campus. Seeing that sign made me remember the book itself, but also that particular girl from highschool. It's crazy how one small thing can transport someone to 15 years in the past.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...