Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Morning

The unthinkable happened at DeLaredo Headquarters this Sunday morning.  The bat-phone rang and I had to make my way from the comfy confines of my warm couch to the inner bowels of the Laredo Medical Center on Saunders.

It was early--well before 8:00 a.m.  It was cloudy and unseasonably cool as well.

Still, what was most unnerving was not the weather nor the time.  It was just how quiet the Streets of Laredo were at that hour.  It was just a few hours earlier, on Saturday night, that I drove down a rocking and rolling San Bernardo Avenue on my way home.  And now, as I moved in the opposite direction, it was like a ghost town.  The beer runs were closed.  The street walkers were gone.  The drunks were not jay walking to get to el Lazy Mex club.  And, the no-tell motels were quiet, sans Sanchos and Movidas.

It hit me later, long after I returned home after what was then considered a family emergency, that it dawned on me.  Sunday mornings are a special time in the ol' homestead.  There were a few people out.  People were, in fact, washing their cars and getting ready for the lazy day ahead, the smell of carne asada embers still lingering in the morning air.

I have mixed feelings about Sundays.  They are the last day before I have to start work again.  I have had a love-hate struggle with the day since I was in high school.  But, today I remain at peace with the Sabbath.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Por que es asi mi pueblo?

I know it ain't right to question those who have left this earth to enter another plane, but Laredo's obituary section is always fascinating.  Whether it's the odd nicknames that people stick on the last testament (like "La Naranja" Lopez) to their loved ones, or whether it's the choice of attire (or lack thereof) that really makes me wonder about my fellow Laredoans.

Take, for instance, the photo above.  It has now become my wish that when I pass on, I also want to appear shirtless in my obituary.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Death of Video Stores

One common theme of DeLaredo Blog has been the acknowledgment of the slow, painful death of Laredo's video stores.  I have to admit--it often brings a tear to my eye to realize that the video stores are dying.


Because I am a nostalgic at heart.

I like things to stay the same.  I fondly recall driving towards the Calton Road H.E.B. and checking out the dozens of VHS (!) tapes on the shelves of the Hollywood Video store right next door.  Then, later, as I grew older, I recall going to the many Blockbusters throughout the mighty city of Laredo, whether it be on McPherson or elsewhere.

And now there only remains a Redbox machine here, or a Redbox machine there.  It's so sad.

It's been a couple of years since the disappearance of these video stores and more.  But there are still some reminders of an era gone by out there in Laredo.  Oh, they may not have had VHS like the old days.  But, they did have DVDs.  And, more  importantly, "Exotic" View videos too.  Orale.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Carne, Cruda and Cascarones

For a million and seven reasons I have been unable to post anything new in the past couple of weeks. I could say it's due to lack of time, but that would be a lie. Or I could try to spin it and say that my lack of updates is due to not having any material to post, but that would be both pathetic and false. Even more so, I could throw a curve-ball and say that I haven't updated due to my pressing social life, however; anyone that knows me could smell the bullshit from eight tamales away.

In the end, it does not really matter why I haven't updated; I just haven't.

 But yesterday, Easter Sunday, while munching on my carne asada tacos and dodging cascarones and water balloons, I came to a realization and one that I will share with you very soon.

Resurrecting my personal life, and by extension this blog, has not being easy, but I'm certain that I have found a blueprint, and now I'm ready to use it.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Future

Many men know for certain when The Time finally arrives. And it has nothing to do with wedding bells.
Rather, it comes from inside the soul.
Maturity finally strikes full force and it makes men jump into the arms of eternal commitment. I know it for certain that my time has arrived. That's all I was waiting for.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hal Holbrook in Laredo

As soon as I heard Hal Holbrook was coming to Laredo, I jumped in glee at the possibility of meeting one of my favorite actors and an icon of both cinema and stage.

For those of you who might be unaware, Hal Holbrook will once again reprise his role as Mark Twain at the TAMIU Fine Arts Hall as part of the Sanchez Lecture series. No doubt, Mr. Holbrook is known for his role as Mark Twain as well as a long list of credits in countless other films, but I could hardly care less about any of those.

To me, Hal Holbrook is that old guy that appears in one of my favorite awful slasher films from the 1980s', "Girls Nite Out" (originally titled "The Scaremaker").

Girls Nite out is not just a horrible movie, it's a terrible slasher film with a confusing plot, ineffective acting and quite possibly some of the dullest kills ever imagined. One almost has to ask: What the hell is Hall Holbrook doing in a movie like this?

And that is just what I plan on asking him, if I get the chance to go. That is a big IF. How can I pass up the chance to meet a horror/slasher legend (Creepshow, The Fog)?

So, just in case, I plan on taking my VHS copy of Girls Nite Out in the hope of getting it signed by Hal. Well, still not convinced in the awesome-badness of this film, check out Final Girl's review here.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Legend of Billy Jean (movie)

    Growing up, we hardly ever had HBO. Come to think of it, regular cable was a luxury hard to come by as well. However, every now and then, HBO would offer those free weekend promotions where they featured their programming in an attempt to sucker people into subscribing

It was on one of those magical Saturday mornings, when my older brother and I, lounging around the house and having the time of our lives watching  the movie "The Legend of Billy Jean", made one of the most important discoveries of our then-young lives; the movie actually mentioned "Laredo"!

"What about that school in Laredo? Did you burn it down?"

You might have seen this movie 1,000 times back in the day, and to be completely honest, one of the only reasons to ever watch this movie is not only for to cool pop 80s soundtrack, but also for the cool way that Laredo is briefly mentioned in the film.

Supposedly, many scenes from the movie where filmed in and around the Corpus Christi area, and every now and then I still get a kick watching it on late night cable (yeah, I can afford cable now, Thanks Obama).

Nonetheless, if you have never enjoyed the 80s fromage that is The Legend of Billy Jean, click the YouTube link below. It's uttered at minute 59:50.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...