Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Llanta Ordinance

Say it isn't so.  I read in the LMT this morning that Laredo's favorite pasttime--dumping old tires by the curbside--is now going to be targeted?

What will they do next, aim an ordinance against the folks who open boxes of diapers at the local Wal-Marts?  Big government at its finest.

While I wish the folks in City Hall the best of luck, I also know the reality of trying to curb peoples' behaviors in this capacity.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pokes Update

Blogging has been inconsistent.  I have no real excuses other than to say life is always in the way now, sadly.

Either way, to quote Madonna, "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina."  That's not what this is about.  Instead, how about a little Laredo-themed Cowboys love?  Yes, it never fails, despite the 5-5 record and a bye week, Laredoans love their Pokes.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Around Laredo 7 (I lost count)

As a blogger, I never know when I will have to bust out my camera at a moment's notice. Most of the time I carry a specific camera that I use to take pictures because my smart phone camera just never cuts it well enough. It turns out that I had about 20 pictures on that digital camera that I wanted to share with you fellow readers.

 However, as it often happens in this city, my truck was vandalized, broken into and I had many personal things stolen. Among those things was my favorite digital camera along with an array of images that I had taken in the past three months, since the last time I posted anything on here.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Barbacoa Sunday

It's Sunday.  For the most part folks around town will either go to church or buy some barbacoa.  I am in the latter group, preferring to stand in line in the heat of Laredo's late morning rather than in the air-conditioned comfort of some church building.  Maybe the long-term reward is not quite what it could be, but I am sure pleased with the short-term reward of the carne I find at Raul's.

The folks in line with me may not agree, but that is a typical Sunday in el canton.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mugshot Parade

Que gacho, Nacho.

I guess there was a police crackdown on DUI offenders a few days ago.  And while that is nothing new or out of the ordinary, the publicizing of all 50+ mugshots was something that I don't remember seeing.


Now, the LMT has a link (click here) of all mugshots and you can even "LIKE" them on Facebook and share them with your friends as well as comment on them.


One thing I noticed too was how some photos have a "Counter" to see how many people enlarge a particular pic.  Ms. Lauren Reyes (see the pic above) is leading the ladies while on the upper left hand corner, Mr. Roel Ramirez is leading the men.  Naturally some folks have "0" hits.  I dare not speculate as to why that is, though.  I'll let you be the judge.

***Update:  Apparently one of the accused was Mr. TAMIU, a ceremonial position for a member of the school's student body.  He resigned yesterday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Football Coming

 The dog days of summer are coming to a close and the faint whiff of the Fall is upon the great city of Laredo.  For residents of this Metropolis, the fall means another year hoping that the Dallas Cowboys fare a bit better than the year before.  Your faithful narrator was a young little blogger the last time the Pokes were any semblance of a threat to the NFL hierarchy.  And these last few years the Laredo faithful have remained a bit disenchanted with the activities in North Texas.

But, don't be dismayed.  As you walk or drive through the barrios of Laredo, you'll notice that the carne asadas will be going strong--if not stronger--now that the NFL preseason has started in earnest.  Don't worry about the Cowboys' last miserable preseason game against the Cardinals because Jerry Jones says there is nothing to worry about.  So, stay tuned.

Meanwhile, paint your casas blue and draw a Cowboys star on the sidewalk.  It's the Laredo way.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Early Morning School Visit

It is mid August and the smell of school is already in the morning air.  I walked over to TAMIU and was mildly surprised how much it's grown over the years.

Obviously DeLaredo was there in the early morning hours and that's why you don't see a lot of people around there.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...