Sunday, October 3, 2010

October: Month of frights and scares

 October is such a great month. The weather is finally changing. The scorching sun begins to finally give us a break, and Halloween is just around the corner. As a kid, I loved Halloween. Scares and frights are good sometimes.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Meet the Rangers (part 2: Josh Hamilton)

According to Sports Illustrated sports writer, Tom Verducci, Josh Hamilton is the best player in baseball.  Anyone that follows the Texas Rangers can easily see why that is the case. He has speed, power, and great defensive skills. He could possible be the AL MVP this year as the most important player in the league. All of this coming from someone that was out of baseball for close to four years by being a drug junkie.

As a former number one draft pick back in 1999, Hamilton, or The Natural, as he is known, signed a $4 million dollar signing bonus. He has confessed that much of that money was blown on drugs and alcohol binges. He did not return to the Bigs till 2007 and after a long road back, he is now at the height of his career. Hopefully, The Natural can lead the Rangers deep into the playoffs, and heck, into the WS. We can only dream.

Mayor's Race

     Mayor's Race

                                                                                                                                           Comic by JBC

Friday, October 1, 2010

Don't miss the signs

Just in case your eyesight is not the greatest, the good folks at the Exxon at Los Presidentes have made a sign as big as their breakfast tacos. We all know here in Laredo, we take our tacos seriously. It be a tragedy if you missed it. Signs, signs, everywhere are signs...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

She's an Actress (part 1)

She’s an Actress
By GB (dedicated to 'Elena')

She screams with rage
at the top of her lungs,
the drama queen of south Laredo.
She’s won two Emmy’s,
even an Oscar for her performance

But she’s an actress
Stares right at me and lies.
Estaba con una amiga”.
She tells me with an evil smirk.

Hollywood is already calling her,
Gonna make her into a big star.
She cries, tears out her eyes,
That mean absolutely nothing.

She tells me she loves me,
With a wink in her eye.
Prolly tells it to all the boys.
She’s an award winning actress
You Know!


Sometime in early Spring 2005 I bought the domain name, DeLaredo.Com and I began a small website focusing on some local poets. I must have gotten about 13 hits on that site, most of them coming from my girlfriend at the time. However, it was one of my first websites that I actually updated on a semi-regular basis.Also, I had some videos that I shot and edited of the George Washington Charade up on there, along with other silly stuff.

For some reason or another, I did not renew the site after the first year and I lost the domain name. I guess I got bored after a while and I moved on to other things. A while back, I noticed someone else bought my old domain name and is running a site under, DeLaredo.Com and it actually looks nice and fancy. So, in the interest of nostalgia, stop on by and visit their site. Be a pal.

Rain in Laredo

Its been a somewhat pleasant change. For once we get a little rain, instead of the scorching heat that seems to always bear down over our heads. But, as expected, the rain has brought several car accidents. On my way home from work this afternoon, I spotted three minor car accidents, no doubt due to the slick streets. We Laredoans aren't used to all this crazy weather. I felt like Noah as I drove home today. A little drizzle goes a long way in this town.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...