Saturday, June 12, 2010

DaleShine.Net Stickers

DaleShine.Net! I love it. Pure genius.

Saw a post over at regarding a website that is getting into some pretty sticky situations. They are selling bumper stickers with Laredo's most famous tagline, "un besito pa' todas mis haters". It's so damn cool I found myself asking, "Why didn't I think of it?"
So, I'm gonna buy me some of those stickers to give away here on my site. So 'stick around', Lol.
Too funny.

Mami Chula's Friday Night

I just had to see what all the local ruckus was about concerning Mami Chulas and other similar beer run establishments, so I took a drive to the southside to get an up close and personal view of the place.
Also, I was feeling thirsty, it being a Friday night and all.

Long lines at Mami Chulas to buy a six pack of Bud, for obvious reasons. I guess its not the 90's anymore in Laredo.

FYI, I might have to make another cross-town drive tonight for another twelve pack. Thing is, they have quick fast service at Mami Chulas. I keep telling that to myself. Uhm, yeah.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Radio La Villa

Surfing around I stumbled upon a blog,
It seems that they have a radio link and a cafe spot across the border.
Stop by and tell them I sent ya.

LoneStar Not working

"Lone Star not Working" Damn!

Are there any words that are worse to read than those above? They crush your soul and break your spirit.

Lone Star not working! Damn.

Some people might have to get a job now.

"Lazy people not working". Ouch! Now, that sign I want to read.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tremenda Restaurante pt. 2...and

People in this town can't spell. English or Spanish, it doesn't really matter.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves on this one. No need for any un-witty comments.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tremenda Restaurante

It was a long, crazy night and I needed some food. I stumbled into my truck and drove down to a taco stand close to the corner of Lafayette and Sanber, called Tremenda Restaurant. The food was decent, the prizes surprising, but the company was predictable. However, on some nights, a change from Taco Palenque is always welcomed. Noches tremendas.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TKO Follies continue

While I no longer frequent TKO Bar, on San Bernardo, I still believe that their food is pretty decent. However, their spelling still comes up short.

Deserts or Desserts?

Just check out their choice of "desserts" below. I think they are trying to sell you the Gobi and Sahara version of their 'deserts'.
Mmm, I think I will stick with chocolate cake for now. I know this is Laredo and all, but, come on.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Almost back

I' m still trying to settle back in. Almost done. Don't fret too much friends.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gone Fishing

I'll be offline for the next 8 to 10 days while I move. Be back soon. Don't get mad.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

No esperes que manana vuelva

No esperes que mañana vuelva porque no lo haré!

It was sometime in late 1990 or early 1991 and I was down visiting my cousins in Laredo. At the time,I had a Sony Walkman Cassette that I carried everywhere and my primo let me borrow his copy of La Mafia's tape, 'Con tanto amor'.

I heard the track 'No lo Hare' for the first time that summer, and since then I was hooked. I hadn't heard that cassette in close to 20 years, but behold the power of the internet and semi-illegal file sharing, I ran across a digital copy of it.

I remember 1991 and me walking down the south-side of Laredo, walkman in my ears, with the wind in my face, sun on my back and enjoying being 12 years old. Good times, good times.

(disclaimer: I did not upload this myself. Downloading music illegally is not good, friends.)

Comprando en Laredo, TX

Porque comprar en Laredo no es como lo pintan

Doesn't this guy have the face that he just committed a very serious upsy?

-"Uy, I want to buy that state of the art, 1990, refurbished Lasonic stereo, pero nomas traigo pesos".

Don't you hate when that happens.

Man, now I feel like doing some downtown shopping. Vamos?

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...