Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nuevo Laredo Postcard

Why is it that Laredo (and N. Laredo) look so damn magical in postcards? Was photoshop around in the 60s? Where is the graffiti? Where is the thrash thrown everywhere? Where are the hoodlums and shootouts. I guess the 60s were good to Laredo. By the look of this postcard, Nuevo Laredo was a tree huggers dream! Sweebread.com

Break the beer, go for broke

I love going to the local 'meat markets' for they are sooo good at making me chuckle. Here is one I encountered and it almost didn't make me laugh. After knocking over a sixpack of Budlight bottles, my accident, I thought I had to pay for the damn cheap beer, but, no, alas they did not break. Good for me too, for I can't bring myself to pay for that skunky beer.

But, seriously, this is why people go broke drinking beer. Be careful when you choose your beer. You break you pay. Fair enough, I guess.

(found at Rancherito Meat Market)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

La Coneja at the ranch

Well, la coneja finally passed and I must say I actually had a fair enough time alongwith my friends and family. Not like past conejas, of like say, 1993, but good enough. Cascarrones, confetti, pinatas, carnes, cheves, yes it was good all around.

We didn't go very far either to have our celebration, just a wanky park around the corner from our house. Still, we had our share of fun under the Easter sun.

So many people I know went to the 'ranch' for Easter Sunday, and I guess I'm just bitter and jealous, but you know that like everyone else in this town, when they say they are going to the "ranch", they really just mean a barren, treeless plot of land in the middle of the monte with one crazy mesquite sticking out of some random place. Apoco now? Dime tengo o no tengo la razon?

We didn't go to the 'ranch' this Coneja. We have a local park around the corner from our houses.
Its just as barren and treeless as those damn ranches!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Random Lyric part 4

"Ain't it hard when you discover that
she really wasn't where its at
after she took from you everything she could steal"

Two movie tickets to the third person that sends me the author and song! Go 4 it!
Email above

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Random Laredenses pt. 6

Here at DeLaredo, we like to make you famous. So careful, because we steal (ahem borrow) images from all over.

Laredo in 1961

For some reason, Laredo always seems nicer in vintage postcards. I'm not too sure why that is. Here is an example below.

1961 Comet In Front Of Sands Motor Hotel, Laredo, Texas

This is a postcard of the Sands Motor Hotel in Laredo, Texas, with a 61 Comet out front1961

This place here just seems like paradise, almost as if Frankie and the Rat Pack just finished playing there. Drive by there tonight though, and its a scary scene. Five bucks to the first person that can tell me the intersection that this is located.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ode to my ZeigenBock

Ode to my ZeigenBock
by Gabito Marquez

The tall, cold and golden bottle
frozen in my hand,
delighting my sensations
that makes it hard to stand

Give me wings to fly, Ol' Ziggie
So I can reach the clouds
Anoint me strength to triumph
among the faceless crowds.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...