Monday, May 10, 2010

Almost back

I' m still trying to settle back in. Almost done. Don't fret too much friends.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gone Fishing

I'll be offline for the next 8 to 10 days while I move. Be back soon. Don't get mad.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

No esperes que manana vuelva

No esperes que mañana vuelva porque no lo haré!

It was sometime in late 1990 or early 1991 and I was down visiting my cousins in Laredo. At the time,I had a Sony Walkman Cassette that I carried everywhere and my primo let me borrow his copy of La Mafia's tape, 'Con tanto amor'.

I heard the track 'No lo Hare' for the first time that summer, and since then I was hooked. I hadn't heard that cassette in close to 20 years, but behold the power of the internet and semi-illegal file sharing, I ran across a digital copy of it.

I remember 1991 and me walking down the south-side of Laredo, walkman in my ears, with the wind in my face, sun on my back and enjoying being 12 years old. Good times, good times.

(disclaimer: I did not upload this myself. Downloading music illegally is not good, friends.)

Comprando en Laredo, TX

Porque comprar en Laredo no es como lo pintan

Doesn't this guy have the face that he just committed a very serious upsy?

-"Uy, I want to buy that state of the art, 1990, refurbished Lasonic stereo, pero nomas traigo pesos".

Don't you hate when that happens.

Man, now I feel like doing some downtown shopping. Vamos?

Tano_ Jado

You might have seen this picture on other blogs, but I just had to re-post it on here for I find it somewhat funny. It seems local hooligans/criminal kids, defaced and graffitied the political sign of my favorite baseball player turned politico. Tano_jado (esta enojado) sure goes over well, especially after his political loss. Now someone please arrest and punish the culprits please.

Streets of Laredo

Trying to cross the dusty, crazy streets of Laredo ain't no easy feat. It's not 1966 anymore and Laredo's streets are just bustling with cars and crime. Yes sir, this ain't your grandpa's Laredo anymore.

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Un besito para todas las haters" part 2

Just when you thought you had heard the last of the 'dale shine girls', along comes more. These two young ladies have turned into local-quasi celebrities to such a degree that I've seen people use Twitter to announce a sighting of these two, now infamous, girls. Moreover, you can find many more parodies of them on youtube, in everything from a Dale Shine Christmas Special, How I met the Dale Shine girls to my favorite, Dale Shine Remix by Dj Knockout. It makes you laugh, heck it makes you realize the scary power of being a viral hit on youtube.

Dang, sometimes its hard shaking off one's own popularity and infamous press. Just ask the Dale Shine girls.

This is the 'dale shine remix'. Not bad actually.

A Dale Shine Christmas Special, complete with the best use of Laredotalk I've ever heard. College degree not required (heck GED is over-educated for this video). In their words, "ta machin". Watch at your own risk. At the end of it, you'll feel 10 IQ points dumber.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...