The first installment of, "Meet the Rangers"
Texas Ranger's third baseman, Michael Young, is the longest tenured player on the team. His steady bat, quick glove and like-able persona make him the face of the franchise.
Michael is the Rangers' version of Tony Romo. He is of half-Mexican descent, always smiling, puts up great numbers but has yet to win anything that really counts.
He is the all-time Rangers leader in hits, and before the end of his career, he will lead the team in many offensive categories. Yet, Michael has never been to the playoffs, much less the World Series. Thought his career, the team has been mediocre at best, and have gone through some stinky seasons in the post-apocalyptic A-Rod contract debacle. This year, Michael is having another strong season as he pushes the team toward the playoffs.
If Michael leads the Ranger's to the playoffs and Tony Romo does the same for the 'Boys, then we have some serious half-Mexican representation in the DFW area. Awesome possum. Si se puede.