Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tano_ Jado

You might have seen this picture on other blogs, but I just had to re-post it on here for I find it somewhat funny. It seems local hooligans/criminal kids, defaced and graffitied the political sign of my favorite baseball player turned politico. Tano_jado (esta enojado) sure goes over well, especially after his political loss. Now someone please arrest and punish the culprits please.

Streets of Laredo

Trying to cross the dusty, crazy streets of Laredo ain't no easy feat. It's not 1966 anymore and Laredo's streets are just bustling with cars and crime. Yes sir, this ain't your grandpa's Laredo anymore.

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Un besito para todas las haters" part 2

Just when you thought you had heard the last of the 'dale shine girls', along comes more. These two young ladies have turned into local-quasi celebrities to such a degree that I've seen people use Twitter to announce a sighting of these two, now infamous, girls. Moreover, you can find many more parodies of them on youtube, in everything from a Dale Shine Christmas Special, How I met the Dale Shine girls to my favorite, Dale Shine Remix by Dj Knockout. It makes you laugh, heck it makes you realize the scary power of being a viral hit on youtube.

Dang, sometimes its hard shaking off one's own popularity and infamous press. Just ask the Dale Shine girls.

This is the 'dale shine remix'. Not bad actually.

A Dale Shine Christmas Special, complete with the best use of Laredotalk I've ever heard. College degree not required (heck GED is over-educated for this video). In their words, "ta machin". Watch at your own risk. At the end of it, you'll feel 10 IQ points dumber.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nuevo Laredo Postcard

Why is it that Laredo (and N. Laredo) look so damn magical in postcards? Was photoshop around in the 60s? Where is the graffiti? Where is the thrash thrown everywhere? Where are the hoodlums and shootouts. I guess the 60s were good to Laredo. By the look of this postcard, Nuevo Laredo was a tree huggers dream!

Break the beer, go for broke

I love going to the local 'meat markets' for they are sooo good at making me chuckle. Here is one I encountered and it almost didn't make me laugh. After knocking over a sixpack of Budlight bottles, my accident, I thought I had to pay for the damn cheap beer, but, no, alas they did not break. Good for me too, for I can't bring myself to pay for that skunky beer.

But, seriously, this is why people go broke drinking beer. Be careful when you choose your beer. You break you pay. Fair enough, I guess.

(found at Rancherito Meat Market)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

La Coneja at the ranch

Well, la coneja finally passed and I must say I actually had a fair enough time alongwith my friends and family. Not like past conejas, of like say, 1993, but good enough. Cascarrones, confetti, pinatas, carnes, cheves, yes it was good all around.

We didn't go very far either to have our celebration, just a wanky park around the corner from our house. Still, we had our share of fun under the Easter sun.

So many people I know went to the 'ranch' for Easter Sunday, and I guess I'm just bitter and jealous, but you know that like everyone else in this town, when they say they are going to the "ranch", they really just mean a barren, treeless plot of land in the middle of the monte with one crazy mesquite sticking out of some random place. Apoco now? Dime tengo o no tengo la razon?

We didn't go to the 'ranch' this Coneja. We have a local park around the corner from our houses.
Its just as barren and treeless as those damn ranches!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Random Lyric part 4

"Ain't it hard when you discover that
she really wasn't where its at
after she took from you everything she could steal"

Two movie tickets to the third person that sends me the author and song! Go 4 it!
Email above

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...