Monday, October 23, 2017

We hate it when our friends become successful

To steal a line from Morrissey, I could just go lay down on the woods and die every time I see an old classmate / relative or acquaintance blowing up and getting more recognition that they deserve. It sounds selfish and trivial, but everywhere I turn these days, I see old foes surpassing me and leaving me alone and abandoned, like a tattered hat on the dance floor of El Gastronomico.

I sure do hate that my friends are becoming so damn successful. Even though my seething anger will eventually turn to  actual happiness for their achievements, I feel a great displeasure at almost reaching 40 and stuck in a huge rut of nothingness. I see neighbors and ex-friends, girlfriends and ex-wives thriving in their business or careers. And here I am, quoting bad Moz songs and feeling like Hebbronville, TX: distant, forgotten and inconsequential. 

That same feeling reflects my attitude toward Laredo. Lately, so many wonderful things have been occurring, growth spurting out at all sides. Yet, I feel very jealous at some of Laredo's "success", so much so that it might be time to put to bed that tired line-'There is nothing to do in Laredo- to an eternal sleep.

Family entertainment, night venues, culture and literary centers are being opened at faster rates that I ever remember. Not that I'm a reader or literary in a sense, but, still, it's cool to have that option.

Thought I must say, that sense of jealousy does creep up. "The Laredo that I used to know," sleepy and content with just being itself is being lost to a brand new Laredo. I'm not so certain what this new Laredo encompasses, not at all. But at least its suffice to know its becoming successful. I can deal with my self-pity at a later date. 

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...