Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aldo's Walkway

El Aldo Tatangelo Walkway in a weekend.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mira Nomas

Mira nomas . . . there is a "Sports Center" in Laredo. Who would've thought, right? No, not that type of Sportscenter, the one in Bristol, Connecticut, but a full-fledged Sports Center in Laredo.

I'm not sure about what you could find along old San Bernardo besides the street hookers and the palateros, but if you want sports-related stuff, forget the chain brands like Academy and Champs and go here instead.

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Video

Perhaps DeLaredo 2.0 is a bit slow to get on board, but a compadre just mentioned that a new and updated Mami Chula's video hit the airwaves weeks ago.

Same song. Different video.

I think the new video is a promotional endeavor . Either way, even though some Laredo bloggers might be a bit disgruntled about the presence of Laredo's southside and westside beer runs, DeLaredo 2.0 is not. This blog is dedicated to the empowerment of the individual. And, if people want to buy their Schlitz at such establishments, more power to them.

In fact, the esteemed mayor of Laredo, Raul Salinas, doesn't have qualms about taking photos with the man behind the microphone, Estylo Triple S. If you recall it was the video, the song, and the establishment itself which drew the ire of the bible-toting, religious quoting constituency last spring.

It . . . it . . . it was for the children, if memory serves correct.

Personally, I see Mami Chula's and Triple S being unfairly prosecuted for purported crimes against Laredo society. To some, it was like a modern-day witch-hunt, a toxic McCarthy-era recipe of paranoia and unfounded accusations against some smart entrepreneurs and a few innocent young ladies--who I am certain are using their tips to further their college educations.

The south side and west side beer run establishments did nothing as terrible as what the rabble made them out to be. Hell, I know the mayor is all about photo ops, but why take pictures of someone if you later criticize and label their artistic work as "indecent?" I know el alcalde likes to pander to the vociferous rabble, but come on, where's the First Amendment?

Just for that, I think I'll buy my next six pack at Mami Chula's.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dumped Tires

Its seems the Laredo blogs have now taken up the challenge of reporting and posting about dumped tires in our fair city. (click here and here, for example.) Of course there used to be a blog devoted to stray dogs and dumped tires, but it has not been updated recently.

Hell, even the mainstream media had dumped tires on its front page in El Empty (above).

So, with that said, here is a photo of a dumped tire seen out in central Laredo. It is only one tire, but I'm sure it has many other friends nearby.

Posting about dumped tires is a rite of passage for many Laredo bloggers. These objects simply cannot be avoided in the Gateway City. They are part of our landscape. So, stay tuned for further developments.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Art of Elrod Rodriguez

Pancha Villa, in all her glory. Nice revisionism there (I had to look it up, I confess).

Anyhow, just so DeLaredo Blogspot is not accused of being against the arts, we bring you some Mejicano art. Click here for a gander.

*Via Tex[t]-Mex Blog

Brisket and Beer

Local eatery,Brisket and Beer, has some good food. Unfortunately, their spelling and grammar is even worse than mine. Take a look at one of their signs outside their establishment. Receive a lollipop if you find the errors.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

El Pipiripau Song

"Yyyyyy yo soy el Pipiripau!" Those lyrics bring back a flood of memories of life once upon a time. Los Plebeyos' original song, which has been covered too many times to mention (there are even various versions on iTunes now), was a staple for many a young, adolescent male coming of age in Laredo many years ago.

Oh, it was not quite a John Hughes flick, but you get the idea.

The guys I went to high school with popped the mixed tape in (yup, that's how long ago) and the song came blaring on through the loudspeakers. Yes, the same loudspeakers purchased at the downtown store, Liverpool, and enclosed in "custom" made wooden boxes. The gist of the song (caritas kind of implies it) sort of underscored how we felt about our prowess with members of the opposite sex at the time. Well, at least some of us, if I can be completely honest.

When I was reminiscing about the song, I asked a lady friend of mine is she had heard it. She also grew up in the hood, Los Amores, to be exact. What she said heard the song every time there was a party. No exception. Weddings, quinces, carne asadas. You name it.

Today, the song is on my queue. I will listen to it and eventually move on to something else. But for now, yo soy el pipiripau.

BorderTown Laredo

It has been over 10 years since the show aired, and its high time it got a bit of coverage on this old blog. But first I have to watch it. N...